MM Maribor 2023
Rezultati Results MM Maribor 2023
Lenex Results-REZ-2023-03-05-MARIBOR
Startna lista Start list MM Maribor 2023
- Dan / Day 1
Rezultati 1 dan predtekmovanje
Start list 1 day final MM Maribor 2023
Time_schedule_1. del predtekmovanje Petek – Session 1 heats Friday
Time_schedule_2. del A+B+C finale Petek – Session 2 A+B+C finals Friday
2. Dan / Day 2
Rezultati 2. dan predtekmovanj
Start list 2 day final MM Maribor 2023
Time_schedule_4. del predtekmovanje Sobota – Session 4 heats Saturday
Time_schedule_5. del A+B+C finale Sobota – Session 5 A+B+C finals Saturday
3. Dan / Day 3
Rezultati 3. dan predtekmovanj
Start list 3 day final MM Maribor 2023
Time_schedule_7. del predtekmovanje Nedelja – Session 7 heats Sunday
Time_schedule_8. del A+B+C finale Nedelja – Session 8 A+B+C finals Sunday
Live results:
Obveščamo vas, da bo bazen za uradni trening MM Maribor 2023 dostopen v četrtek, 2.3., od 19:00 do 20:00. Hkrati vam sporočamo, da v okolici Pristana še vedno potekajo obsežnejša gradbena dela, zato je dostop in parkiranje oteženo. Predlagamo vam parkiranje v garažni hiši (nasproti vhoda v kopališče) ali v garažni hiši pri tržnici.
Za vse informacije in pojasnila bomo dostopni v času uradnega treninga.
Dear athlets,
We would like to inform you that the swimming pool for the official training of MM Maribor 2023 will be available on Thursday, March 2, from 19:00 to 20:00. At the same time, we would like to inform you that extensive construction work is still underway near the pool, so access and parking is difficult. We suggest you to park in the garage (opposite the entrance to the swimming pool) or in the garage near the market “Hofer”.
PK Branik Maribor
- : dogodek